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Lana Duncan-Hartgraves

Using Reiki in Your Gardening

I’ve always had a grrenthumb. Even as a little girl, as my grandma was teaching me things about planting, I loved being outside and watching things grow. I could take anyone’s sick plant and make it better. Now I’m not perfect; I lose a plant here or there, but overall, everything grows exponentially(except, Bonsai, I have trouble with those!) Even outside, most of my gardening and plants kinda ‘get outta control.” Yes, I have a greenthumb.

Studies have proven that ‘greenthumbs’ do exist. People who are good with plants actually give off an energy from their hands, that make plants grow. They have even taken Kirilian photographs of ‘greenthumbers’ and verified this.

Now to Reiki. Reiki is simply ‘hands-on healing.’ Reiki practitioners give off energy from their hands, much like green thumbers. So to make a long story short or make a conclusion, like my high school English said, Reiki people are healing people, and possibly are healing pants, and making them grow.Moreover, can this healing energy be used to heal themselves through growing healthy, beautiful vegetables. I know we can, and we should all be concnetrating on it.

My thought here is not all Reiki healers are greenthumbs, and not all greenthumbs are Reiki healers. But I bet there are many, many who are. I’ve been taught that we can do Reiki on oursleves, through touch. How about using Reiki to grow your, nutritious food? How better to heal your body than through that? That is the ultimate way to take care of yourself.

Right now, I’m doing a little experiment. I want to see for myself if this is true. I have two control plants. They are in my house, getting the same about of light and water. One, I am using Reiki, one I am not. Yes, I am seeing a difference. I will write another article when the full experiment os finished.

But all’s I’m saying is to think about it; what better to honor yourself, and others than growing your own food. Think about the love and care for others put into the food. Things hold energy. How about love and kindness in let’s say, a tomato? We know that objects hold positive and negative energy. What about our food? Are we ingesting love or hate? Something to think about.



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