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Solving Anxiety with the Simplest Cure Ever!

So, since going through my hormone changes, my body is definitely not the same. It actually sucks, but getting older usually does. I’ve been taking some supplements from one of my Acupuncturists, and they did help with my anxiety and depression. I know that anxiety is especially the worst at Winter, when I just don’t get enough sunlight. I also supplement myself with B12 and D3 shots every month or two. That does help. But I found something that works every time for me, and the doctors don’t want you to know about it. Its even lowers my blood pressure(It’s not really high, but a little as I’ve gotten older.) The secret is simple as an orange.

Let me reiterate on this. Doctors do NOT want you to know, and to be honest, when they’ve seen my numbers come down so drastically, they can’t believe it either. (That’s because they’ve been bought out by pharmaceuticals, but that’s a different blog). I’m sure you have this simple remedy in your home already; vitamin C.

I’m not sure why people don’t know more about this. There are so many studies done on this, it’s unbelievable. Just eating an orange reduces cortisol and increases dopamine(Psychology Today, June 9th, 2018). And many people THINK they are getting enough by taking a multivitamin, but I will say this to you, you need vitamin C in a LIQUID form. Pills only absorb at about 30% in the stomach and then are passed through. Don’t take it either in orangejuice; there is too much sugar. Just plain, ordinary vitamin C liquid. It can be added to water or tea.

But how much is too much? Even though vitamin C is water soluble, meaning that you pass out the excess, too much has been linked to kidney stones. There needs to be just enough for overall health. I personally drink one teaspoon per day, which is the equivalent to approximately 500mm. And I will tell you folks, IT WORKS!!!!!!

Now think about this logically, from an educated mind. Vitamin C comes from some of the best plants on the planet. It floods your body with anti-oxidants. Some people even say prevents cancer(ScienceDaily, 2009). It also lowers blood pressure, by helping to soften arteries. Wow, something that simple can be a huge benefit?

So just try this for a week or two; buy some liquid Vitamin C, and keep track of your anxiety and blood pressure, I bet you will watch it lower. I kept a log and watched my blood pressure come down 30 points! It’s so much worth it to at least try.

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Nov 05, 2023

Any brand?

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